Kimse Yok Mu conducts 500 cataract surgeries in Pakistan

Date posted: October 6, 2014

Humanitarian aid organization Kimse Yok Mu? (Is Anybody There?) carried out 500 cataract surgeries in Pakistan, as part of its international campaigns to reach out economically disadvantaged people.

Volunteers from the organization arrived in the city of Dera Ismail Khan in July for its campaign to perform cataract surgeries for 5,000 people in the country. So far, around 500 people have undergone surgeries, which bolstered ties between Turkey and Pakistan.

Speaking to Cihan news agency, local people expressed their gratitude for the aid campaign provided by donations by Turkish people.

“Kimse Yok Mu is a remedy for poor people living here. I thank to Kimse Yok Mu for the opportunities it presented to the people,” told a high level government official named Ali Amin Gandapur Cihan news agency.

Source: Cihan , October 1, 2014

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